Lets Go To The Unknown


UEGA Day 1-06-13

Yesterday after some organising via UEGA a group of us headed out in the city of Brisbane. With rain clouds hanging overhead the day was in question, but we pushed ahead anyhow. First up we walked down a steep bank to the rivers edge where a nice brick culvert greeted us. Walking in we we came across the usual underground wildlife, bats and the like, before coming across a break in the tunnel that split into two different directions. One which was a nicely arched. After we continued walking through it and become apparent that it was getting smaller we headed back out, but not before getting some photos.

Next up was going to be an old rink out in the suburbs, but it seemed possible that this locations could be occupied. That ended up being a no go. After some discussion about where to head next we headed south to a nice drain at the end of a channel. Crouching down low we made it the first junction with three pipes headed in one direction, and another in the other direction. Going down the first one we walked a fair distance ducking and jumping over pipes before deciding to try our luck in the other set of pipes. Making it through to the end we came across another junction where we stopped to get some more photos of a small waterfall and manhole. Finishing up we headed back to the cars with the day shift done.

The Underground

The Underground

The Underground

The Underground

The Underground

The Underground